Play can be an essential component of the learning process, but it is often only associated with childhood education. What might play bring to higher education and university curricula? In this ITW, we will discuss how play helps learners engage and relax in the classroom, make connections, and think creatively about their learning material. Participants will explore theories of play- and game-based learning, reflect on how to incorporate play into their own teaching, and practice constructing play-focused active learning activities to use in the classroom. For more information, please contact Zion Perry ( [2]) and Micah Siegel ( [3]).… . Please note: Intermediate Teaching Workshops (ITWs) count toward the requirements for the CCTP. They do not presuppose any previous engagement with the topic, but will draw on topics mentioned in the Fundamentals of Teaching/the CIRTL MOOC… . . For a refresher on key pedagogical terms you may have encountered in the Fundamentals or the CIRTL MOOC, please refer to our glossary: — Event Details: [4]