Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Resources for Law School Students

GWL Programs for Law School Students

If you have any questions regarding any programs for Law School students, you can contact Patricia Trainor.

What we offer: 

1. Individual Consultations 

Our free, one-on-one writing consultations can help you at any stage of your writing project. We’ll working with you on: 

  • Crafting objective legal writing and analysis
  • Building and supporting an argument
  • Presenting your ideas with clarity and impact
  • Strengthening your structure in various genres of legal writing
  • Working on English grammar and communication skills

Schedule a session with legal writing specialist Patricia Trainor (or another GWL Fellow) using our online scheduler

2. Written and Oral Communication Workshops

Written and Oral Communication Workshops are offered every week throughout the semester. These workshops cover the themes of the writing process, various genres of academic and professional writing, writing style, fellowship and grant writing, writing for publication, strategies for oral communication, and public writing.

Workshops for Law Students

Workshops specifically designed for law students will be announced throughout the academic year. However, law students may be interested in other GWL Fall programs. For a full, updated list of the workshops, check the GWL calendar.

3. Public Speaking Studio

Use GWL Public Speaking Studio to practice your oral presentations, pitches, and speeches. For more information about the Public Speaking Studio and PitchVantage software, check this link.

4. Peer-Review Groups

If you work on a long written project, such as your qualifying paper, an article, or a book, we can help you go through the process with support and accountability of a small group of other students who work on their long projects. Check the information about GWL Peer-Review Groups.

Who we are:

Patricia Trainor, JD, Graduate Writing Specialist

Patricia has a diverse legal background including experience writing for courts, attorneys, clients, and the general public. She has also taught legal research and writing to law school students. View Patricia’s bio.

The rest of the Graduate Writing Lab Team

View our bios.