ATW: Lecturing for Active Engagement
Event Series
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Event Description
How can we keep students engaged while delivering content efficiently in a large lecture class? In this ATW, we examine how to enhance lecture effectiveness by breaking up dense lecture sections with engaging activities that speak to course objectives. We aim to give participants strategies for teaching equitably and with good time management. Participants will develop a lesson plan for an effective, active-learning focused lecture in a course that they might teach. We welcome teaching fellows and instructors at all levels of experience, as a broad range of backgrounds will help to facilitate a rich conversation. For more information, please contact Delfina González ( or Ketty Kabengele (… . This workshop will be held in person… . . Please note: Advanced Teaching Workshops (ATWs) count toward the requirements for the CCTP. This ATW is part of our Academic Job Search series, and is especially appropriate for participants preparing for the academic job market, but this is not required. — Event Details: