Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

STEM Tutoring & Programs

STEM Tutoring Update: Starting Jan 13, 2025 ULAs & Course-Based-Peer-Tutors will continue to support most STEM courses in which they’re assigned. Watch for information from your specific course instructor on how to access that help.

 Likewise the drop-in tutoring for the Residential College Mathematics and Science Tutoring will be in SML 116 C, D and Kline C75. Drop-in tutoring continues through Tue, May 6,  2025.

The Poorvu Center provides or helps train QR and Science tutoring for every field in Yale College. Many STEM courses—including nearly all courses in Computer Science—have undergraduates who work directly in the course as Course-Based-Peer-Tutors (CBPTs) or Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs). If you are in a CS, CHEM, MATH, ECON, S&DS, ENAS, or Science course, check your syllabus or ask your professor to see if you have CBPTs or ULAs available to help you.

If your course does not have undergraduate tutors or ULAs, or if you need more help, you can find Drop-In hours for every QR & Science topic (but not Computer Science) with the Residential College Math and Science tutors. Finally, students who need more individual attention in any STEM course can apply for Small-Group tutoring. Please click on the links below for more details.

The Residential College Math/Science tutors have expertise to help you in every QR and Science course at Yale. Each tutor has different hours and specialties, but all of them will help you on a drop-in basis, and they are specially trained to be helpful and welcoming.
Many QR and Science courses have selected their own peer tutors to work with students in the course. Office hours and locations vary, so please check with your professor for details. Look up your course below to see if it has CBPTs or ULAs.
The following QR & Science Courses have Peer Tutors directly attached. Check with your professor to find out how to work with the tutors.
Students who have tried Course-Based Peer Tutors and visited the the Residential College Math/Science tutors, but still need more help, can request scheduled tutoring in small groups or one-on-one.