Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Compiling a Constructive Peer Review in the Sciences


Graduate & Professional Students, Postdoctoral Fellows

Event Time 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Location of Event: 

225 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511, Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, Room 253.

Event Description 

Participating in the review process for peer-reviewed journals is an integral part of academic life. However, young scientists may experience challenges in approaching this daunting task and creating an effective review for a manuscript. In this webinar, we will discuss the process of peer-reviewing manuscripts for journals, strategies for critically reading a manuscript, and steps in compiling a formal review. We will also share tips from senior scientists regarding how they approach the peer-review process.

Intended Audience: Graduate and professional students and postdocs in the sciences who are new to the peer-review process.