Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

ITW: Office hours


Graduate & Professional Students

Event Time 

Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Location of Event: 

ITW: Office hours

Event Description 

How can you make office hours a learning resource for all students, not just the ones who might be struggling? Whether office hours are just a part of your teaching appointment or your entire assignment, what you do with this time can go a long way toward enhancing student outcomes. In this workshop, we will discuss ways to build a classroom learning environment in your office hours and increase participation outside of exam season. You will leave this workshop with strategies for improving students’ experiences in office hours through Universal Design for Learning, prompting students’ metacognition, and soliciting student feedback. For more information, contact session organizers Will Johnson (will.johnson@yale.edu) and Stephanie Ranks (stephanie.ranks@yale.edu).… . Please note: Intermediate Teaching Workshops (ITWs) count toward the requirements for the CCTP. They do not presuppose any previous engagement with the topic, but will draw on topics mentioned in the Fundamentals of Teaching/the CIRTL MOOC… . . For a refresher on key pedagogical terms you may have encountered in the Fundamentals or the CIRTL MOOC, please refer to our glossary: tinyurl.com/PedagogicalGlossary… — Event Details: https://yaleconnect.yale.edu/rsvp?id=2146975