Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

ITW: Teaching as an International Instructor


Graduate & Professional Students

Event Time 

Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:30am

Location of Event: 

ITW: Teaching as an International Instructor

Event Description 

Are you new to teaching in American academia? Do you wonder how cultural and institutional differences might affect your classroom? Perhaps you already started teaching, yet the differences between higher education in the US and elsewhere remain shrouded in mystery for you. In this workshop, we will address potential difficulties and identify concrete strategies to alleviate anxieties about teaching in the American classroom. We will also review useful resources for international instructors. For more information, please contact Ketty Kabengele (ketty.kabengele@yale.edu) or Evelyne Koubkova (evelyne.koubkova@yale.edu)… . . This workshop will be held virtually on Zoom… . . Please note: Intermediate Teaching Workshops (ITWs) count toward the requirements for the CCTP. They do not presuppose any previous engagement with the topic, but will draw on topics mentioned in the Fundamentals of Teaching/the CIRTL MOOC. For a refresher on key pedagogical terms you may have encountered in the Fundamentals or the CIRTL MOOC, please refer to our glossary: tinyurl.com/PedagogicalGlossary. — Event Details: https://yaleconnect.yale.edu/rsvp?id=2261662