Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Speaking Fundamentals: Participating in Seminars & Discussions



Event Time 

Monday, April 10, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Location of Event: 

Speaking Fundamentals: Participating in Seminars & Discussions

Event Description 

One of the most common public speaking situations that most students will find themselves in at Yale is not giving a speech or a toast, or even necessarily a presentation, but rather, speaking up in academic conversations—both in the classroom and beyond. Successfully participating in an academic conversation involves a variety of skills, including understanding and responding to a group dynamic, identifying and using the vocabulary of a group, and finding ways to engage with the topic and the other participants that reflect your authentic voice and perspective. Come to this workshop to discuss strategies for developing these skills, and more! — Event Details: https://yaleconnect.yale.edu/rsvp?id=1953943

(203) 432-7237