From Dissertation to Book: A Panel Discussion with University Press Editors
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Event Description
Hoping to eventually publish your dissertation as a book? Our panelists from university presses will give you guidance on how to craft a proposal, how to select and approach editors, and how to transform your project from a dissertation into a book. Demystify the process during a Q&A and discussion with:
–Anne Savarese, Publisher, Princeton University Press (literary studies)
–William Frucht, Executive Editor, Yale University Press (political science and law)
–Heather Gold, Editor, Yale University Press (classics and the ancient world)
–Jim Lance, Senior Editor, Cornell University Press (anthropology, sociology, geography)
Note: This event is open to the entire Yale community, including postdoctoral scholars and junior faculty. GSAS PhD students can also book a 15-minute one-on-one meetings with an editor prior to the panel. See the final question in the registration form for details.