Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

How to Start Writing Early for Incoming GSAS Students


Graduate & Professional Students

Event Time 

Monday, August 26, 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Location of Event: 

Online via Zoom

Event Description 


Welcome to Yale! New courses, mentors, peer groups, and research projects are on your horizon.  Join your new cohort and the Associate Director of the Yale Graduate Writing Lab to learn about concrete strategies, tools, and resources for starting to write early. We’ll cover topics like what kinds of questions to ask and formats to answer them in when you are still reading, how to create an approachable research notebook, how to prepare for generative meetings with your professors, and how to manage your expectations — just as you start your new classes! We will also provide a brief introduction to The Graduate Writing Lab’s suite of programs so you can start your year off with resources, support, and writing and communication guidance in your pocket. 

Intended Audience: Incoming GSAS Master’s Degree and PhD Students across all academic disciplines

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