Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

From Paper to Journal Publication in the Humanities and Social Sciences Series Part 5


Graduate & Professional Students

Event Time 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Location of Event: 

Online via Zoom

Event Description 

This five-part series will guide you through the process of converting a seminar paper into a submission-ready journal article. We invite you to bring a draft seminar paper that you plan to convert into a journal article as we work through the following sessions: 
Choosing the Right Paper & Creating a Writing Plan (Feb 13)
Positioning Your Paper (Feb 20)
Honing Your Argument (Feb 27)
Crafting Openers, Conclusions, and Tempting Titles (Mar 5)
Submitting and Navigating Journal Decisions (Mar 26)

Intended audience: GSAS and professional school students in the humanities and social sciences.   

Register here.