Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

“The Power of Mathematics Teaching in an Age of Alternative Facts” by Dave Kung

Event Series 


Faculty, Graduate & Professional Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, Undergraduates

Event Time 

Friday, April 3, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Location of Event: 

Mathematics & Current Events

Event Description 

The Power of Mathematics Teaching in an Age of Alternative Facts

Most citizens spend years in our mathematics classes before they ever cast a vote. Are we preparing them to be responsible, informed participants in a thriving democracy? What kind of mathematics is required to understand current events, critically examine issues of social and economic justice, and properly evaluate public policy proposals? What can educators who teach mathematics do to fight back against the rise of alternative facts? We will discuss example problems, student projects, and pedagogical choices that push us in the direction of a more just world.

(203) 432-4038