Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning Discussion: Teaching Disciplinary Skills in Introductory Courses


Faculty, Staff, Graduate & Professional Students, Postdoctoral Fellows

Event Time 

Thursday, February 9, 2023 - 9:30am to 10:30am

Location of Event: 

Teaching & Learning Discussion: Teaching Disciplinary Skills in Introductory Courses

Event Description 

As instructors, we aspire to move students beyond memorization and emphasize the rigorous thinking skills of our disciplines. This can be particularly challenging to do in introductory courses, where there is often pressure to cover a broad range of topics and few opportunities for giving students feedback on their skills. In this discussion, Shiro Kuriwaki, Assistant Professor of Political Science, and Paul Tipton, Professor of Physics, will share their strategies for explicitly teaching quantitative skills in their introductory courses and making the space to do so. Participants from all disciplines are encouraged to come ready to contribute their own questions, challenges, and strategies for supporting student engagement with disciplinary skills.. . — Event Details: https://yaleconnect.yale.edu/rsvp?id=1969388