AI Coffee Talks for Humans @YDS
Event Series
Event Time
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Event Description
This session puts a spotlight on image generation. Yale currently provides AI image generation capabilities campus wide via Copilot and Adobe Firefly. This monthly series provides a casual space for faculty, graduate students, and staff to experiment with artificial intelligence applications and explore their cultural and ethical implications. Bring your curiosity and your laptop or device; we will provide caffeine and conversation starters.
Thank you to the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale Libraries, and the Provost’s Fund for AI Innovation for sponsoring this event. For more information about this event or the series, contact your host, Dr. Connie Steel, Educational Program Assessment and Life Worth Living,
RSV is in the Divinity School’s 409 Prospect street, South Wing, S200-201 area
Image credit: The image for this event was generated by Connie Steel via MetaAI.