Jeania Ree Moore
Jeania Ree Moore is a 5th year Ph.D. candidate in African American Studies and Religious Studies. Her research uses religion and theology to analyze a range of intersections and interests in African American history and culture, most recently romance novels. She holds an M.Phil. in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Cambridge as a Gates Cambridge Scholar, an M.Div. from Emory University as a Woodruff Scholar, and a B.A. in Humanities from Yale. Prior to returning to Yale for doctoral studies, Jeania Ree worked in legislative advocacy in Washington, D.C., where she was also a contributing writer for Sojourners magazine and authored a bimonthly column. Jeania Ree has experience with writing for academic and public audiences, and enjoys working with students on various projects – research paper, cover letter, sermon, fellowship application, op-ed, and more.