T@YD: *In-Person* Equitable Teaching Panel and Small Group Discussions (1/13)
Event Series
Graduate & Professional Students, Postdoctoral Fellows
Event Time
Friday, January 13, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Location of Event:
Humanities Quandrangle, L 02
Event Description
Join us for Teaching at Yale Day, an event to orient graduate students and professional school students who are new to teaching at Yale.
Attendees will:
- Learn how to establish equitable learning environments;
- Gain insight into the student and faculty perspectives on graduate teaching and the role of the teaching fellow;
- Received an introduction to the many teaching resources available at Yale;
- Discover how you engage students online.
This event is required for all first-time GSAS Teaching Fellows and Part-time Acting Instructors. Professional school students are encouraged to join the event.
Spring 2023 Teaching at Yale Day events
Spring 2023 Teaching at Yale Day will consist of 3 parts:
- Engaging Students: A synchronous workshop on Zoom. Participants should register for one of the three sessions, which will be held on January 10th, 11th, and 12th. These sessions will not be recorded.
- In-person Equitable Teaching Panel and Small Group Discussions
- These sessions will be held in person on January 13th, from 1 to 4 pm.
- The panel will be held from 1 to 2:15 pm in Humanities Quadrangle L02.
- This will be followed by a small group discussion with other new teachers from 2:30 to 4 pm to help you get your semester off to the right start. Room assignments for the small groups will be distributed at the panel.
- Register here!
- Teaching resources videos: You will view four short recordings about Yale resources.
- Available through our checklist.