Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

ITS Zoom Retention Policy Q&A

In a message sent on October 20, ITS announced changes to the amount of time Yale will retain Zoom cloud recordings. We understand you may have questions about how this change affects your course Zoom recordings. If the information below does not immediately answer your questions, please reach out to askpoorvucenter@yale.edu (link sends e-mail) for a personal consultation. 

Q: What is the new Zoom storage retention policy? 

A: The retention policy establishes a two-year window before Zoom cloud recordings are moved to the recycle bin. Please note Zoom recordings stored on other platforms (e.g. Media Library/Panopto) will not be affected. 


Q: Why is there a new Zoom storage retention policy? 

A: Use of cloud storage has drastically increased over the past two years because of remote teaching and work. This change will help ensure sufficient Zoom cloud storage space is available in the future.  


Q: I taught online during COVID-19 remote teaching. Will this affect my Zoom cloud course recordings?  

A: Not immediately. Since remote teaching didn’t begin until March 23, 2020, the remote teaching sessions you recorded to the Zoom cloud will be moved to the recycle bin beginning March 23, 2022. After that date, the remote teaching sessions you recorded to the Zoom cloud will continue to be moved to the recycle bin in accordance with the retention policy.  


Q: How do I know if I have Zoom cloud recordings and how can I view them? 

A: To view all your Zoom cloud recordings navigate to https://yale.zoom.us/recording (link is external). You’ll need to sign in via CAS if you are not already logged in. 


Q: My recordings were automatically moved to the Media Library in my Canvas course. Will those recordings get deleted as well? 

A: They will not. Since those recordings used the Zoom to Media Library (Panopto) integration, they now reside in Panopto and will be unaffected by this new retention policy. 


Q: When will my Zoom recordings be deleted?  

A: Your recordings will be marked for deletion two years after the recording was created. For example, a class recording made March 30, 2020 will be moved to the recycle bin on March 30, 2022. You will be notified of this move via email and have 30 days to download the recording. 


Q: I’m concerned I’m missing something about this new retention policy and want to make sure my course recordings are not deleted. Whom can I contact to make sure I won’t lose my course recordings? 

A: Please reach out to the Poorvu Center by e-mailing askpoorvucenter@yale.edu (link sends e-mail) if you have any concerns or questions. We are happy to review your recordings with you and make sure they are properly and safely stored.  


Q: The email I received from ITS said to use Microsoft Stream to save my recordings for an extended period of time, even permanently. Do I have to use Microsoft Stream? I don’t have any experience with the tool and am not sure I want to use it as a solution. 

A: You do not need to use Microsoft Stream. This was a general solution offered to the whole university, and many Yale instructors have already found Media Library/Panopto to fit their course storage needs.  We are happy to work with you to find the right solution to store and/or stream your course recordings. Please reach out to us at askpoorvucenter@yale.edu (link sends e-mail) to request a consultation.