In spring 2018, seven grants were awarded to Yale GSAS students to support the creation of new and innovative educational opportunities using digital and/or online platforms.
2018 Grant Awardees:
Adam Andis, Forestry and Environmental Studies, Through the Eyes of Animals
Ana Rosenvollmar, Yale School of Public Health, Communicating Science: a blog-based toolkit for translating health science writing into writing for health communication
Richard Crouse and Erica Gorenberg, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, LiteraSci: Fostering scientific literacy through interactive study of scientific research
Jennifer Weintritt, Classics, Training in the Target Language: Treebanking as a Translation Alternative for Latin Learners
Svetlana Tcareva, Slavic Languages and Literatures, “Travel to Russia” e-Learning Language Simulator
Amelia Kennedy and Burton Westermeier, History, Digital Camino de Santiago Project
Marissa Moore and William Watson, Music, AMEBAS: Annotated Music Examples for Basic Aural Skills
The Poorvu Center showcased grant projects during an event on Thursday, November 29, 2018.