Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Managing Access and Publishing

The following information is about how to manage access and publishing of your lecture capture videos. Please reach out to askpoorvucenter@yale.edu (link sends e-mail) for further assistance. 

Media Library content associated with a course folder is shared automatically with the users enrolled in that course. However, it is possible to share content with specific individuals directly and not with the entire student enrollment by creating a new folder in your course Media Library and editing the permissions.

By default, media library content is automatically available. However, you can control the timing of each folder or specific video’s availability window.

In some cases, you may want to manually publish a video rather than specifying a time or having it auto publish. This guide will show you how to set up your course Media Library folder such that new content will not automatically be available until published manually.

Instructors can view the stats of individual Media Library items, as well as collective stats for an entire folder of items. These metrics can provide general insight into which media items are being viewed, how many times they are being viewed, and which points in the item are being viewed, as well as other stats that may be of interest.


  • Allows for more precise controls when your lecture capture content will be published.
  • Timing the release of lecture capture videos may help encourage attendance.
  • Gathering information via the metrics tool will help to inform decisions around timing publication and availability of recordings. 

How to Get Support 

For further questions on how to manage your lecture capture content, please contact our team at medialibrary@yale.edu (link sends e-mail) to find the best configuration to meet your needs.