Yale courses are challenging, and instructors can encourage students to use all resources at their disposal to navigate their coursework. When university resources are endorsed by instructors on the syllabus, students are more likely to explore support resources and refer to them throughout the semester. On this webpage, you’ll find information about the resources Yale students engage with most frequently to improve their success in their courses. Yale instructors are welcome to borrow and adapt any language or links on this page for their syllabi.
Helping Your Students Navigate A Syllabus
The Yale Academic Strategies Program has created this video(link is external) (also displayed below) to help first-year students and others adjusting to college learn how to read and interpret college syllabi. Click here for more videos that support students’ transition to college.
Academic Support Resources
Below are an array of academic support resources offered to various Yale student populations. If you are teaching undergraduate students, you may be interested in sharing this summary webpage of Poorvu Center undergraduate learning resources. If you are teaching first-years, you may be interested in sharing this one-page summary document of 2021-22 Poorvu (link is external)Center academic resources(link is external).
Writing Tutoring (Yale College)
The Yale College Writing Center offers 3 free, one-on-one writing tutoring programs for all Yale undergrads. Residential College Writing Tutors and drop-in Writing Partners can work with you at any point in the writing process to discuss any piece of writing you’re working on. International students and other eligible students can also be matched with the same writing partner for multiple sessions. Contact Paula Rawlins, Assistant Director for Undergraduate Writing and Tutoring, for more information: paula.rawlins@yale.edu(link is external).
Graduate Writing Lab (Yale Graduate Students)
The Graduate Writing Lab in the Poorvu Center offers free, one-on-one writing consultations for all Yale graduate students. Students in this course are encouraged to meet with a GWL Fellow for feedback at any stage in the writing process. GWL workshops, peer review groups, and study halls offer additional opportunities to develop your writing and presentation skills. Book a consultation online at https://yale.mywconline.net(link is external).
STEM Tutoring (Yale College)
Course-based Peer Tutors provide most STEM tutoring. Students should check their syllabi and Canvas pages for more information about how to meet with their assigned tutors. Students taking courses without access to course-based peer tutors can see the Residential College Science and QR tutors or can request an individual STEM tutor by contacting Dr. Kailasnath Purushothaman: kailasnath.purushothaman@yale.edu(link is external).
Language Tutoring (All Students)
The Yale Center for Language Study offers language tutoring for all Yale students. Undergraduate students enrolled in language classes during the academic year can request free one-on-one tutoring with a CLS Tutor. Any Yale student–whether undergraduate, graduate, or professional–can attend free weekly Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish tutoring drop-in sessions.
Academic Strategies Program (Yale College)
Through workshops, small peer mentor groups, and 1-1 mentoring sessions, the Academic Strategies Program offers support to help you thrive academically at Yale. Topics we discuss include transitioning to college-level courses, time management, strategies for reading, approaching problem sets, and studying for exams, and navigating Yale’s hidden curriculum–the set of unwritten rules and expectations unique to Yale’s institutional culture. Academic Strategies also offers coaching support for students with learning differences, disabilities, and other conditions that can affect learning For more information, join the ASP YaleConnect page or contact them at academic.strategies@yale.edu(link is external).
Student Accessibility Services (All students)
Student Accessibility Services facilitates individualized accommodations for undergraduate, graduate and professional school students with disabilities and documented learning differences, and work to remove barriers which may prevent full participation in the University community. Call 203-432-2324 or email sas@yale.edu(link is external) for an appointment.
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Below are a number of resources you can share with your students to support their mental health and wellness. You might consider including a preamble to these resources on your syllabus, such as “Your well-being is important to me. Please know you are part of a broad community of support at Yale. I encourage you to explore and take advantage of the following resources to support your wellness and mental health throughout your time at Yale.” Visit this page for additional ideas to make well-being a pedagogical priority in your course.
Yale College Community Care (YC3)
YC3 is a program available to undergraduates to support their mental health and wellness. In addition to the treatment that remains available to students in the department of Mental Health and Counseling, the YC3 program offers students options for support through its College Care Clinicians and Community Wellness Specialists. All of them meet with individual students and with groups. Along with their own services, they provide a pathway for students who are thinking about pursuing more formal, ongoing therapy through Mental Health and Counseling. Students can schedule YC3 appointments directly.
College Care Clinicians (Yale College)
College Care Clinicians are licensed clinical social workers and psychologists who are available to meet with students in locations near the residential colleges for drop-in clinical care. The YC3 clinicians are part of the Mental Health and Counseling staff, and meetings with them are confidential. They also work closely with the rest of the YC3 team on common issues and community programming. Students who may be struggling a bit but may not necessarily need ongoing therapy through Yale Mental Health and Counseling (YMHC) or need appointments while they are waiting to be matched with YMHC clinicians may want to contact them at college.care.clinicians@yale.edu(link is external).
Community Wellness Specialists (Yale College)
Community Wellness Specialists are available to meet in the residential colleges with students who want to work on practical strategies for overall well-being such as developing a good sleep schedule, healthy eating and exercise, holistic time management, goal setting, and finding balance. They are part of Yale College’s Student Affairs Office and work together with heads, deans, first-year counselors, and peer liaisons as members of the residential college’s support team. The tools and approaches they offer can be used alongside therapy or on their own. The YC3 specialists can also connect students to other resources throughout the university. They can be reached through this email: community.wellness.specialists@yale.edu(link is external).
Yale Well (All Students)
Yale Well is the student wellness program for Yale University. It serves as a centralized resource for students to learn how to improve their well-being and manage stress, identify clinical resources, and find community. For more information, visit yalewell.yale.edu.
Yale Mental Health and Counseling (All students)
Yale Mental Health and Counseling offers treatment to students who would like to pursue formal therapy in a clinical setting, and the recent staff expansion makes it easier and faster for students to be seen. Students can always call (203) 432-0290 during regular business hours to schedule appointments. They can also call that same number any time, day or night, to speak to a clinician immediately.