Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

AI Course Revision Grant

Poorvu Center’s AI Course Revision Pilot Grant


The June 2024 Report of the Yale Task Force on Artificial Intelligence suggested that “students must be prepared for an AI-infused future.” Generative artificial intelligence tools and methodologies are already influencing many fields, and Yale faculty have an opportunity to intentionally emphasize the human elements of learning and community that will equip students for the world with AI. The AI Course Revision Grant program aims to support Yale instructors in revising their courses to equip students with essential AI knowledge and skills across disciplines. This can include hands-on experience with AI technologies and/or addressing its benefits, limitations, and societal implications. The library’s Generative Artificial Intelligence Literacy Framework nicely outlines a variety of potential AI learning outcomes. Successful proposals will highlight how instructors plan to integrate AI concepts, tools, and ethical considerations into existing or new courses to develop AI literacy and support student learning. We are offering three tiers of funding, as outlined below, with increasing amounts of proposed change, financial support, and support from the Poorvu Center.

Program Goals

  • Support instructors’ capacity to integrate AI knowledge and skills into their individual course(s) 
  • Provide resources for instructors to share their AI-based changes with the wider Yale community

Important Dates

Opportunities & Use of Funds Based on Grant Tiers

Grant applicants will select a tier that best aligns with the level of AI course design changes they intend to make, which aligns with the level of funds and support associated with that tier. Tier One grants will have the lowest effort, resources, and funds and Tier Three the highest.  Below, we have provided information on the anticipated effort, resources, and funds associated with each of the three tiers. 

Tier One Grants- up to $500
Tier one grants are designed to support integration of AI use or content to a small portion of your class (e.g., changing an assignment; introducing new activities to one or two classes).

  • Recipients will be expected to implement changes and utilize all funds by the end of the 2025-26 academic year (June 2026) and to write a short (~250-500 word) reflection on the effectiveness of activities.
  • Recipients will be optionally invited to present their project and results at a Poorvu Center Showcase in the Fall of 2026 and to consult with Poorvu Center staff (up to 5 hours) throughout the design process.
  • Recipients may request funds to be used in the following ways, although other items within budget will be considered: 
    • External Consultants/Practitioners or Guest Speakers: inviting expert colleagues or consultants from other institutions or industry to be a guest speaker in your course or provide discipline-specific guidance on your course goals and activities related to developing AI literacy. 
    • Access to Specific AI Tools: Yale has developed and curated some AI tools, which are available to faculty, students, and staff at no charge. However, AI technology evolves rapidly, which means that there may be AI tools that meet your pedagogical needs, but have not yet been approved by Yale. Before purchasing such tools, please be aware of privacy and accessibility concerns and be prepared to provide alternatives for students who need or want to opt of using the tool(s).
    • Design Support: A graduate student or other hourly worker can be compensated to support the design of a course assignment or activity. 

Tier Two Grants- up to $2,000
Tier two grants are designed to support the integration of AI use or content to a significant portion of your class (e.g., devoting several class sessions; adding a sustained, low-lift engagement with AI tools or concepts throughout your course).

  •  Recipients will be expected to take part in three Poorvu grant cohort sessions, implement changes and utilize all funds by the end of the 2025-26 academic year (June 2026), write a summary (~500-1000 words) of the activities and the assessment of their effectiveness, and present their project and results at a Poorvu Center Showcase in the Fall of 2026.
  • Recipients will be optionally invited to participate in Course (Re)Design (May 20-22, 2025) or our Pedagogical Partners program and to consult with Poorvu Center staff (up to 5 hours) throughout the design process.
  • Recipients may request funds to be used in the following ways, although other items within budget will be considered: 
    • Any items listed under Tier One Grants  
    • Financial Support for Individual Course Design or Redesign: this could be hourly compensation for a graduate student or partial summer pay for instructional faculty with a 9-month appointment to do course development work that goes beyond typical course redesign efforts (e.g., do research to better understand AI; develop an AI chatbot that supports student learning). 
    • Assessment Support: Graduate students or other hourly workers can be hired to assess the impact of course changes. The Poorvu Center can consult and provide feedback on assessment design and implementation.

Tier Three Grants- up to $20,000 over two years
Tier three grants are designed to support a significant overhaul of an existing course or the design of a new course to integrate deep engagement with AI or AI-related content.

  •  Recipients will be expected to take part in three Poorvu grant cohort sessions, participate in Course (Re)Design (May 20-22, 2025 or May 19-21, 2026) or our Pedagogical Partners program, track and manage grant funds, with twice yearly reports (June and December) updating Poorvu of progress and how funds have been used, implement changes and utilize all funds by the end of the 2026-27 academic year (June 2027), write a summary (~500-1000 words) of the activities and the assessment of their effectiveness, and present project and results at a Poorvu Center Showcase in the Fall of 2027. 
  • Recipients will be invited to consult with Poorvu Center staff (up to 5 hours) throughout the design process.
  • Recipients may request funds to be used in the following ways, although other items within budget will be considered: 
    • Any items listed under Tier One or Tier Two Grants (with a max of $12,000 in instructional faculty summer pay)
    • Course Technical Support: Undergraduate or graduate students who have some expertise using AI can be hired to provide technical support or guidance to help accomplish course learning goals.  
    •  Additional Teaching Support: with the approval from GSAS and your department, the Poorvu center can provide funds to support temporary additional ULA and/or TF hires for courses that have undergone a significant overhaul of its curriculum. This additional staff can help the courses be flexible and more responsive to student needs. 

Submission Instructions

Please submit your completed application form by March 7.  

For questions or additional information, please contact faculty.teaching@yale.edu. 

The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Goals: What learning goals are you able to enact through this grant?  Why is this a priority for students to learn in the context of AI in your field or the world?
  • Implementation: How will you implement your learning goals? Are they aligned with scholarly research on effective teaching practices? 
  • Student Impact: What is the expected depth (deepness of learning) and breadth (number of students in a course/program) of impact that your course revision will have on student AI learning?
  • Assessment: How will you assess the extent to which the course revisions influenced student learning? What outcomes will be observed during the project and/or at the end of the academic year?
  • Longevity: What are the way(s) that the course revision will continue beyond the funding period?
  • Timeline/Budget: What is your timeline and budget for the proposed project?