Introductory English
Sophomores who have not taken any WR courses should consider one of the courses listed below, all of which welcome both freshmen & sophomores.
English 114: Academic Writing—writing college papers
English 115: Writing about Literature
English 120: Creative Non-fiction
English 121: Academic and professional writing for a particular field
English 125, 126, 127, 129, 130: Literature classes with writing emphasis
Descriptions for individual sections of each course can be found on the English Department web site.
In your major area
If you’ve taken one WR course, we strongly recommend trying to take a second WR in an area close to your major: whether Humanities, Social Science, or Science. The best way to get updated WR information is to use the Online Course Information website. After choosing the semester you’re interested in, be sure to choose “WR” in the list of choices at the bottom of the screen. If you leave everything else blank and click “Submit Search Request,” you’ll get a list of all WR courses for that term. You can also narrow your choices by department or by day/time.
WR Lecture Courses
The courses listed here are lecture courses where some or all of the discussion sections carry the WR designation. If you are interested in the topic, a WR section may be an effective way to improve your academic writing. Since these courses have less time to spend on writing skills, we recommend getting extra feedback on your papers, perhaps from a Writing Center Tutor. Note: Be sure to check with the professor to determine which sections fulfill the requirement.
Fall 2015
AFAM 162/AMST 162/HIST 187: African American History from Emancipation to the Present
CGSC 135/HIST 118/HSHM 216/PSYC 135: Minds and Brains in America
FILM 150: Introduction to Film Studies
FILM 285/HSAR 328: Disney
HIST 153: Science from Newton to Neutrons
HLTH 230: Global Health Challenges and Responses
LING 112: Historical Linguistics
MMES 102/NELC 102: Introduction to the Middle East
MMES 231/RLST 231: Reason and Revelation in Islam
PHIL 174: Moral Skepticism
PHIL 311/RLST 303: The End of Metaphysics
PLSC 114: Introduction to Political Philosophy
RUSS 250: Masterpieces of Russian Literature
WGSS 120: Women, Food, and Culture