1-1 Mentoring, Workshops, and Group Mentoring
1-1 Mentoring
Group Mentoring
1-1 Mentoring
Request a Peer Mentor: academicstrategies@yale.edu (link sends e-mail)
Sign up for a Peer Mentor Slot: https://yalectl.mywconline.com/index.php?msgLOG=YES (link is external).
Each student’s goals, responsibilities, and challenges are unique. An individual meeting with a peer academic mentor can help you identify and focus on your goals and develop the strategies that work best for you. During a mentoring session, you will get acquainted with your mentor; your mentor will invite you to talk about the questions on which you are seeking advice; you’ll discuss what has worked well for you previously, and brainstorm with your mentor new approaches to try; together, you’ll create a plan for implementing the new strategies; and finally, you’ll set up a future check-in appointment with the same mentor to follow up on how things are going.
If you would prefer to meet with a mentor who matches your academic and career interests, click here to learn more about each of our wonderful peer mentors, and feel free to email them directly for an appointment!
Our Schedule: Workshops Organized by Date
Look for a Workshop: Workshops Organized by Topic
Sign up for the ASP Newsletter: academicstrategies@yale.edu (link sends e-mail)
Add us on Campus Groups: https://yaleconnect.yale.edu/index
In addition, check the ASP homepage, the ASP Facebook Group (link is external), and the ASP Instagram (link is external) (@academicstrategies) for the workshop highlights for the month!
Each of our workshops is created in direct response to the concerns of Yale undergraduates at a given moment. The offerings are constantly evolving based on what is happening at Yale, so keep up-to-date with the calendar by signing up for our newsletter, and joining Poorvu Center: Academic Strategies on Campus Groups!
Senior Thesis Study Halls
Academic Strategies Senior Thesis Study Halls will meet regularly throughout the semester to share strategies, support, solidarity, and accountability in the development and writing of the senior thesis. This semester, we will begin our meetings in September - stay tuned for dates and times.
The sessions will be facilitated by an Academic Strategies Peer Mentor, and will offer a combination of group work time, group discussion time, and advice on working through this process from the earliest stages to the end, in a curriculum developed in part by Yale students in response to their own experiences here, with the support of faculty members, librarians, and other staff. If you would like to be added to the email list for these sessions, please email academicstrategies@yale.edu (link sends e-mail)!
Questions? We’d love to be in touch with you! Just send a note to academicstrategies@yale.edu (link sends e-mail).
You can also follow us at: ASP Facebook Group (link is external), ASP Instagram (link is external) (@academicstrategies)